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Curriculum vitae

cv Curriculum vitae

Prof.univ.dr.emerit Ovidiu nicolescu

Name: Nicolescu Ovidiu

Date of birth: November 10, 1943

Nationality: Romanian

Civil status: Married


1962-1966Bucharest University of Economic Studies – Diploma in Economic Science
1968-1969Liege, Grand, Bruxelles and Louvain Universities – Management specialization
1970-1974Institute for Economic Research – Ph.D. Degree in Management
1975-1976New York University – Diploma in Business Management
1975Boston-Harvard Business School –  International Marketing Institute Diploma in International Marketing
1992Barcelona IESE- Diploma in Management
1993Estoril, Portugal, Specialized in Entrepreneurship

Language skills



Membership of professional bodies

A.    International bodies
1997-2014Union Europeenne de L’Artisanat et des Petites et Moyennes Enterprises (UEAPME), Brussels, Vice-President
2001-2012Academy d’Avignon for European Entrepreneurship, Avignon, Member in Scientific Council
1991-2000European Foundation of Entrepreneurship Research (EFER) Bruxelles, Member
1992-2004World Association for Case Research and Application (WACRA), Boston, Member
1993-presentIESE Alumni Association, Barcelona, Member
1995-1999World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises  (WASME), New Delhi, Member in Governing Body
1999-2014World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises  (WASME), New Delhi, Vice-President
1996-presentEuropean Council for Small Business (ECSB) Bruxelles, Member and Vice-President for Romania
2006-presentEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA), Bilbao, Member in Administrative Council
2007-presentEuropean Social Fund (ESF), Member in Management Committee
B.     Romanian bodies
2006-2010Romanian Academic Society of Management (RASM) Bucharest Vice-President
2010-presentRomanian Academic Society of Management (RASM) President
1992-2016National Council for Private SMEs, Bucharest, President
2016-presentNational Council for private SMEs, Bucharest, Honorary President
2000-presentAssociation for Studies and Economic Prognosis, Vice-President
1990-presentRomanian Economists Association (AGER) Bucharest, Member

Professional experience record

1966-1970Institute for Economic Studies, Bucharest – Researcher
1970-presentBucharest University of Economic Studies – Professor PhD of Management
2000-2013Center of International Comparative Management, World Bank Project, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Founder and Director
1990-2015Institute for Management and marketing „Manager”, Founder and Director
2016-presentProfessor Emeritus, Bucharest University of Economic Studies



Books192 in Romania and other countries (included books variants in several languages, books in 2-3 editions, books published yearly and semester research reports)
Studies and articlesMore than 500 published in Romania, USA, Germany, Canada France, Spain, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Russia, Switzerland, Hungary, India and other

Supplementary information


In Romania
1996Prize of Romanian Sciences Academy for the best economic book published in Romania (O. Nicolescu, I. Verboncu, Management, Economica Publishing House, Bucharest)
1980Prize of Romanian Sciences Academy for the best economic book published in Romania (O. Nicolescu, C. Russu, Manager in the Modern Management Processes, Politica Publishing House, Bucharest)
2006Prize OMNIA awarded by Romanian Education and Research Ministry for the whole career and the best economist
2016Professor Emeritus, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
2016Gold Medal „Virgil Madgearu” awarded by Bucharest University of Economic Studies
2003Doctor Honoris Causa University of Baia Mare
2011Doctor Honoris Causa University Ovidius in Constanta
2014Doctor Honoris Causa University of Oradea
2015Doctor Honoris Causa University Dunarea de Jos in Galati
2016Doctor Honoris Causa University Lucian Blaga in Sibiu
2017Doctor Honoris Causa University „Academia Fortelor Terestre” Sibiu
Outside Romania
1990Gold medal awarded by International Simulations and Games Association, Prague, for outstanding performance in the design and use of the management games at international level
2001Prize awarded by World Association of SMEs (WASME) for remarkable contribution to the theoretical and pragmatic contributions in the SMEs field, Anatolia, SMEs World Congress